Head of Food Technology
Park View School -
County Durham -
MPS/UPS plus TLR 2a -
Full time -
Contractual Status:
Permanent -
Closing Date:
7th Oct 2024
Required for January 2025
We are seeking to appoint an inspirational and ambitious Head of Food Technology who is a passionate advocate for their subject and looking to work alongside a dedicated and talented Design and Technology team that are highly creative and effective practitioners.
We need an experienced Teacher of Food Technology capable of teaching to GCSE who would relish the opportunity to join our highly professional and supportive school.
The ideal candidate will be one who:
- Genuinely enjoys teaching and is keen to develop their practice;
- Has the ability to teach outstanding lessons;
- Prizes academic excellence and has the determination needed to ensure that their lessons are a model of achievement and good practice;
- Has a burning passion which will communicate itself to others and inspire them;
- Is committed to helping the development of a curriculum which will be exciting, innovative and alive;
- Loves working with young people and takes pride and delight in their development and achievement.
The school is committed to the safeguarding and promotion of the welfare and safety of children, and expects all staff to share this commitment. Safeguarding checks will be undertaken on all applicants for this post.
Please find full details of this vacancy attached.
Application is via Google Form, please click here
To complete our Equality and Diversity form, please click here
Closing date: Thursday 17th October 2024 9am
Park View School
Park View School is a successful, forward thinking, and happy school where students of all abilities, aptitudes and social backgrounds achieve. This has given us a reputation for excellence within the locality of which we are exceptionally proud. We have been at the heart of Chester-le-Street since 1911, first as the town’s grammar school and latterly as its largest Academy. Our roots in the community are long-established and inform all that we do: thus, although we are innovative and offer children a 21st Century education of real worth, we cherish and foster traditional values and high aspiration. Park View is a split-site school across three locations in Chester-le-Street.
To succeed in our ambition, we work closely in partnership with parents and carers. We rely upon support from home and are delighted that the vast majority of our families make an unconditional commitment to trust their children to our care, reinforcing our standards by supporting school actions. It is this mutual trust which sits at the heart of the school and is one of our greatest strengths.
We have excellent transport links: the school is situated half a mile from Junction 63 of the A1(M) motorway, and the local train station is only 5 minutes walk from our main school site. Chester-le-Street also has a wide variety of leisure facilities, all within walking distance of our school.
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