Curriculum Leader of MFL
Burnside College -
North Tyneside -
MPS/UPS + TLR 1b -
Full Time -
Contractual Status:
Permanent -
Closing Date:
10th May 2024
For September 2024 we are keen to appoint a leader who is an outstanding teacher of languages and who shares our vision of a vibrant and varied range of language experiences. As well as engaging lessons that promote a high level of participation, we wish to develop cross-curricular collaboration and extend extra-curricular opportunities for all students which includes foreign travel experiences.
Leaders and governors are highly committed to the study of modern foreign languages in the school and a much higher proportion of students than national study a language GCSE in key stage 4.
At Burnside College we have historically offered Spanish and French in our languages curriculum, though we have focused more on students studying one language (Spanish) in recent years as part of our recovery strategy post pandemic. The successful post holder will be supported in setting the future direction for languages in the school.
We are seeking to appoint an individual with a strong track record in leadership, and a passion for teaching and learning. In addition, they will have excellent and demonstrable subject knowledge and be able to deliver high quality teaching and learning across all key stages. This is a full time, permanent appointment.
Applicants will be highly motivated and have a passion to ensure that our learners achieve the very best that they can at all times. The core purpose of the role will be to uphold the fundamental standards of pride, respect and achievement with all learners but also ensure that all students receive the highest standard of bespoke support.
As Curriculum Leader you will:
- Implement and plan a differentiated and specialised curriculum for students with the aim of accelerating progress
- Lead, plan and coordinate appropriate intervention for students at risk of underachievement
- Promote the highest possible standards of achievement in MFL for all students (including those for whom we receive a pupil premium, or those that have additional educational needs)
- Ensure that students achieve or exceed their targets in MFL
- Develop a vibrant and exciting curriculum for learners
- Use data effectively to inform decision making
- Raise the quality of curriculum and teaching by defining and implementing appropriate improvement targets for the MFL department
- Develop an interest in, and enthusiasm for, MFL
- Promote participation in extracurricular activities and learning opportunities outside of the classroom
- Lead, manage and develop staff and visitors who contribute to the teaching of MFL
As Curriculum Leader for Modern Foreign Languages you will have:
- Clear, written aims, plans and objectives
- An agreed Development Plan
- Agreed schemes of work which include all students
- An agreed SEF evaluating strengths and weaknesses
- High quality assessment and feedback
- Clear, simple records on pupils’ progress
- Analysis of data & standards of how well different groups are doing
- Well deployed resources, including support staff
- Plentiful, accessible and high quality resources, often available online
Burnside College is a good school, with outstanding sixth form provision. We put teaching and learning first and are committed to providing a high quality and inclusive learning experience for all. Furthermore, we are committed to the development of staff and you will be joining a supportive school with an excellent environment in which to continue your professional development.
If you would like any further information, or to discuss this role in more detail, please contact Nicola Stephenson by email
Application Documents
Application Pack – Curriculum Leader of MFL |
Application Form – Curriculum Leader of MFL |
Supporting documents
Application FormOther Supporting Documents:
Application Pack - Curriculum Leader of MFLBurnside College
At Burnside our aim is simple, to be the best that we can be, both as individuals and as a community. We all work together to make our college the best it can be and share decisions about how to reach our potential. We believe in the strength and consistency of our three core values: pride, respect and achievement.
Pride: we take pride in all that we do, our work, the way that we present ourselves, and our actions.
Respect: we respect the thoughts, beliefs and personal qualities of those around us and act with kindness and tolerance, treating one another in a way that accepts that we are individuals and have separate thoughts, feelings and needs.
Achievement: we are resilient and determined; we don’t give up when we encounter problems we always try our best. We seek to be the best we can both personally and academically