Teacher of Art
Durham Academy -
Full time -
Contractual Status:
Permanent -
Closing Date:
20th Mar 2024
Employees will:
• Contribute effectively to the work of the school and to the achievement of the ‘School Improvement Priorities’.
• Play a full part in the life of the school community, to support our distinctive aims and ethos, to encourage employees and pupils to follow this example.
• Follow school policy regarding care, support and supervision of pupils.
• Attend training and development activities and courses, ensuring continuing, personal and professional development.
• Contribute to a welcoming school culture by promoting mutual respect for all.
• Comply with any reasonable request from a leader to undertake work of a similar level that is not specified in this job description.
• Work as a team member.
• Act as a role model to pupils in speech, dress, behaviour and attitude.
• Have common duties in the areas of: Quality Assurance, Communication, Professional Practice, Health &
Safety, and General Management (where applicable), Financial Management (where applicable), Appraisal, Equality & Diversity, Confidentiality and Induction.
Teachers will:
• Work within the National Conditions for Employment of School Teachers (STPCD).
• Uphold and observe the Professional Code for Teachers (GTC) and meet the National Standards for Qualified Teachers.
• Promote the school’s stated ethos and support the school’s policies in pupil leadership and management.
• Support and encourage colleagues at all levels within the school.
• Contribute to and implement the annual School Improvement Plan and agreed policies.
• Teach as directed throughout the school, subject to appropriate training.
• Expect, monitor and improve progress in pupil learning.
• Contribute to the personal and social development of all pupils.
• Participate in the pastoral management and delivery of the schools Personal Social Health Citizenship and Enterprise Education programme (PSHCEE) as requested.
• Take part in quality assurance and performance management procedures outlined in an agreed school policy.
• Take responsibility for personal development.
All subject teachers will:
• Take full responsibility for ensuring a scheme of work is delivered to pupils in their allocated classes.
• Plan lessons using a range of strategies to meet pupil’s individual learning needs understood from attainment and supporting data.
• Have a thorough knowledge and understanding of their subject, its teaching and place in the National Curriculum and that of the school.
• Use the models set out in School Policies for delivery of lessons.
• Set homework according to school and department policies.
• Mark, assess, record and report on pupil’s achievements, setting appropriate targets. Keep to deadlines for reporting, marking, submission of coursework and assignments.
• Prepare pupils for examinations when required, taking part in standardising and moderating activities required by departments and examination boards.
• Contribute to the development of schemes of work, school and department policies as appropriate.
• Attend and contribute to appropriate meetings and professional development activities.
• Take an active part in the school’s self-evaluation process, including the completion of appropriate documentation, and contribute to this process within the subject area. Undertake whatever other duties might reasonably be requested by the Head Teacher or Subject Leader.
All form leaders:
• Are responsible for day-to-day administration in the form group.
• Review and discuss pupil’s work and welfare, setting targets as necessary.
• Meet with parents including school calendared meetings.
• Promote good behaviour and positive attitudes at all times.
• Support form, year and school activities as appropriate.
• Deliver an appropriate programme of form group activities, including the agreed PSHCE programme.
Teachers who have passed the Threshold should ensure that they continue to meet Threshold Standards and should demonstrate that they make an active contribution to the policies and aspirations of the school.
• They provide a role model for teaching & learning.
• Make a distinctive contribution to the raising of pupil standards.
• Contribute effectively to the work of the wider team.
• Take advantage of appropriate opportunities for professional development, using outcomes effectively to improve pupils’ learning.
• There is a clear expectation that Post-Threshold Teachers will take a lead role in the development of other teaching employees and will welcome pupil and Early Career Teachers and visitors, by prior arrangement, into their learning environment.
• Act as a role model and lead professional for members of the team.
• Manage and conduct appropriate monitoring and evaluation procedures, including lesson observations,
to ensure high standards of teaching and learning.
• Maintain a positive climate for learning based on high expectations of pupils and their potential.
• Take appropriate steps to support employees in developing their teaching practice including the organisation and delivery of appropriate training, advice, and coaching activities.
• Use and apply data effectively to ensure pupil progress is monitored against targets and prompt action is taken to address any concerns.
• Ensure that marking and assessment procedures are followed consistently by all members of the team, in line with school and department policy, including the application of assessment for learning processes and techniques.
• Plan and review schemes of work which incorporate all statutory requirements, and which demonstrate the use of appropriate and varied teaching and learning strategies.
• Ensure that the needs of all pupils are known and met effectively, including pupils with learning and behavioural needs.
• Use appropriate strategies and support mechanisms to meet the needs of the pupils.
• Develop opportunities for enhancing the curriculum experience for pupils including the provision of booster classes and other extension activities.
• Monitor and review the range of curriculum options and opportunities offered to pupils and advise on and manage the introduction of new provision where appropriate.
• Be accountable for the performance of pupils against targets in the appropriate curriculum area(s).
• Prepare reports as required analysing pupil progress and performance in the designated area
• Establish and maintain a safe, healthy and attractive environment for learning.
Durham Academy | Creating lifelong opportunities for every child
• Manage budgets within your area of responsibility following all Trust procedures.
• Deploy employees and physical resources effectively to support the delivery of high quality teaching and learning.
• Ensure all relevant health and safety requirements are complied with, bringing concerns to the attention of the relevant employees promptly
• Performance management team leader responsibilities.
• Meet regularly with employees to monitor progress towards objectives.
• Carry out lesson observations as required as part of the monitoring arrangements.
• Contribute to the development of school policy through participation in appropriate meeting groups, committees and working parties.
• Liaise as appropriate with external agencies including the LA achievement services.
• Support the school ethos and policies in relation to pupils, parents, the local community and other external groups.
• Provide reports as appropriate for Governors on activities and progress within the area of responsibility.
• Participate in and advise on the appointment and selection of employees.
• Provide support, guidance and leadership to all members of the team.
• Clearly articulate and promote a shared understanding of and commitment to the vision for the school and its development at both team and whole school level.
• Delegate tasks appropriately within the team.
• Chair team meetings.
• Mentor and support new employees.
• Provide advice to the head teacher as required on matters including threshold and upper pay spine progression for members of the team.
• Prepare confidential references for members of the team as required.
The above list of duties and responsibilities are not an exhaustive definition of all tasks associated with the post.